Why Average Joes Should Get A Vote...
Sadly, I think Joe the Plumber is representative of many "average" voters, Republican and Democrat alike, in that they believe something without having any ability to explain why. For some people it's simply the inability to articulate facts and analysis, and that's fine. The average voter isn't a trained speaker. But for many, far too many, it's more a case of simply regurgitating key phrases or overly simplistic ideas that they think they identify with. It's impossible to be fully learned on the nuance of each and every critical issue we face, domestic and foreign, but these last few weeks of the campaign have illustrated just how low the public discourse on issues has fallen.
The charge that Obama is a "socialist" is one of the best examples. Attempting to broadly label Obama's policies as socialistic is simplistic, pandering, and disingenuous. There is a conversation to be had about taxes, welfare and the various forms of economic redistribution that already exist in our country, but the branding of these concepts as something inherently anti-American makes that discussion impossible. Once you start beating the catch-phrase drum, the monotonous bass of base is all anyone can hear. Taxes are not a bad thing. Taxes that are unfair are. The conversation should be about what constitutes a fair tax, but because the "conversation" about taxes has been successfully reduced by the Republicans to a simple "taxes bad" talking point, it's impossible to have a real discussion about what constitutes a fair tax. The end result is people fearing socialism without having any idea what the fuck socialism is or is not. Socialism, to most "average" Joes, is the government taking your hard earned money and giving it to someone who didn't earn it. The bank bailout is socialism. Social Security is socialism. Farm subsidies is socialism. Progressive taxation is socialism. Does this make America a socialist nation? Only if you want to talk about things in black and white.
But back to Joe and the Israel-destroying Obama for a moment. I don't blame Joe for holding a view that's clearly ignorant and ill-informed. I blame Joe for willingly becoming a celebrated mouthpiece of ordinary America. Joe insists that people should go find their own reasons as to why Obama's election would destroy Israel, and on that he and I agree. FOX viewers, go forth and read! Read something from the right, something from the left, and something from the middle. Read something from here, and read something from over there---yes, even if there is in Paris, France. If you do so, you may still believe that McCain is better for Israel than Obama, but something tells me you won't be so idiotic as to think Obama would destroy it. Too bad Joe isn't taking his own advice.
It's entirely possible to have a brilliant intellect, be knowledgeable about the issues and still vote for McCain, but don't look at someone who does not have a brilliant intellect and is not knowledgeable about the issues and say, "Hey, that guy is just like me and I'm going to vote just as he will." Joe is not a bad guy. But Joe is a not a role model. If "liberal" is a bad word, so, too, should "ordinary." Who the fuck wants to be ordinary anyway? Do you want an ordinary doctor? An ordinary lawyer? An ordinary wife? Ordinary means unexceptional. There's virtue in the ordinary, but if praising ordinary comes at the expense of diminishing things that are exceptional, then I'll gladly condemn so-called Average Americans.