Stephen Colbert anyone?

It appears as though I will likely have an extra ticket to see Stephen Colbert interviewed at The New Yorker Festival tomorrow night. Anyone care to join me? If you're cute and single I'll throw in dinner and some unwanted pawing. If you're ugly and taken, congrats---dinner is on you. If you're a guy, no dinner---just beer, and you buy. If interested, send me a comment or a note with great alacrity.
I am leaving this comment for a few reasons reasons:
1. So you can revel in the knowledge that you have one more reader - even if I wasn't following along with the live VP Debate blog because I was at "Spring Awakening" instead.
2. Because I wonder whether I would fall under the category of "cute and single" or "ugly and taken".
3. Because we ticketed the New Yorker Festival and I KNEW you would have tickets to this.
The end.
1) And revel I shall. (Snoopy dance) We'll be doing another Live Blog for the next debate, so stay tuned for more details.
2) You are a category unto yourself--cute AND taken. And British, meaning you could be 80 years old, married with 12 grandkids, and STILL cute so long as you keep saying "lift" instead of elevator.
3) Well, I certainly didn't PAY for my tickets. How plebian.
Damn...why don't i live in New York again?
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