Monday, March 22, 2010


The Health Care Reform bill passed the House this evening, effectively closing the chapter on one of the most historic and vitriolic debates in American history. Not a single Republican voted for the bill. That's not a surprise, I suppose, but it is somewhat disappointing. I find it intellectually dishonest that ZERO Republicans actually support the substance of this legislation. I just don't believe it. Nonetheless, for better or worse, the Democrats are now the proud owners of one of the biggest legislative initiatives in history. Will it be effective? I hope so, but as with all major reforms, only time will tell. Will it "ruin our country" as John Boehner claimed this morning? I think we can safely say that "no" it will not. And if you happen to believe it will, then you're clearly not someone who puts a lot of faith in the strength and endurance of America---which, ironically, is what Republicans often like to accuse Democrats of. What might ruin our country, however, is hyperbolic claims like the ones we've seen spouted over these last tempestuous months. I'd like to think that sort of behavior will abate, but with midterms coming up and the GOP ready to gain seats, I think it's just beginning---on both sides.

So what now for the Democrats? I think they need to do five things:

1) Take about three minutes to celebrate this victory and move on. This is an epic achievement, yes, but it's still a controversial one. Gloating will not sit will. Obama has already struck the right tone in remarks tonight by not wanting to make it a "political" win. Even though the Republicans didn't want this bill, they had a hand in making parts of it stronger. The Democrats would be well served to remind people of this...if only to further quash the idea that this somehow circumvented the constitutional process of law making.

2) Make sure this bill is implemented correctly. Much like the war in Iraq, the mission isn't accomplished just because you achieve one victory. Rebuilding a nation requires significant planning, and rebuilding a health care system is not terribly different. It can't be done half-assed. There are bound to be unforeseen problems with a 2,000 page bill and the government has a duty to deal with these issues as zealously as they pursued passage of the bill. It's not sexy or exciting, but THIS is where I think Obama can set himself apart from being not just about big ideas, but by showing the will to make sure it gets done right.

3) Pick a less complicated, less controversial legislative issue as the next item for business. Obama seems poised to make immigration reform his next big ticket item, but I think this would be a mistake. I like that he's ambitious and doesn't shy away from tackling the big issues, but perhaps a simpler topic is in everyone's best interests right now? Something that doesn't spark fiery passions on both sides? Something that doesn't have racial overtones at its fringes? Something with clear bipartisan support? Just saying.

4) Let the GOP talk. And talk. And talk. There's a lot of angry Republicans out there tonight, and angry people say and do stupid things. Let them. Democrats should take this opportunity to avoid the fray, put their heads down, and move forward with business. Leading by example gets noticed. You don't need to point it out like a sibling telling their parent that their brother or sister hit them first. Let the GOP be the party of hyperbolic complainers. Democrats just need to do their job.

5) Supporters of Democrats should already be thinking about the midterms, and should plan to write checks to the most vulnerable members of Congress. It's a given that Democrats will lose seats, but how many is still very much up in the air. Here's an article highlighting some of the names you should makes your checks payable to.

On a personal note, I'm obviously thrilled with passage of this bill. It's not been a good debate, however, and it's really somewhat of a dark chapter in this nations rhetorical history. Accusations of death panels, absurd comparisons to socialism, our President being called a liar by a congressman during a speech, some Tea Party protesters resorting to racial epithets, and even tonight, pro-life Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak was called a "baby killer" by another member of the House. Is this the best we can do? It's not so easy to dismiss these instances as the random acts of crazies on the fringe right. Congress, and Republicans specifically, have done little to dampen this low-brow frenzy. In fact, their actions have repeatedly encouraged it and stoked the fire. Tonight, as a protester disrupted proceedings inside the House chamber with a chant of "Kill the Bill!", many Republicans applauded and cheered the man as he was removed. This morning, responding to reports that some Tea Party protesters had shouted the word "nigger" at members of the Black Caucus, and the word "faggot" at Barney Frank, Rep. Devin Nunes of California downplayed it by saying, "Yeah, well I think that when you use totalitarian tactics (referring to the Democrats), people, you know, begin to act crazy. I think, you know, there’s people that have every right to say what they want. If they want to smear someone, they can do it." Lovely response, sir.

Look, I know the Democrats aren't perfect...and I know the Republicans don't all think, speak, vote and act alike, but I'm proud to be with this President and this party tonight.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"I wish you had created me so I could die."

There's just something about a plastic bag blowing in the wind. American Beauty essentially won the Oscar for Best Picture by recognizing this fundamental truth, and now comes an 18-minute existential short film, masterfully narrated by Werner Herzog, in which a plastic grocery bag goes in search of its maker. It helps to be in the right mood for this, but evidently I was when I watched it this morning. Herzog isn't the narrator exactly, but more the inner voice of the discarded bag. Like any good existential tale, it's beautiful, thought provoking, a little cheesy, and a little bittersweet. Herzog is such a loon in real life that initially his voice has a strictly comedic effect, but the earnestness of Herzog's voice ultimately gives this piece a genuine sense of purpose. Also, note that Herzog, a fantastic director in his own right, only lends his voice to this effort. The film, Plastic Bag, is actually the creation of Ramin Bahrani.

A few hours after I watched this, I went for a walk and took this picture:

I'm not gonna say I cried, but I'm not gonna say I didn't, either.

Margaret Moth: 1951-2010

This striking image is one of those rare pictures which seems to perfectly capture the essence of its subject. I remember watching the news when Margaret Moth was shot in the face in Sarajevo in 1992, and it disturbs me as much today as it did then. She died of cancer this morning, and CNN has done a marvelous job memorializing her life. She was larger than life, fearless, and a true pioneer. It's worth checking out her obit here.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"39 Blowjobs"

Okay, I admit it, it's becoming increasingly clear that I lack the motivation to keep this blog updated regularly. is also taunting me now by insisting I abandon my domain since they will no longer support FTP uploads. I should probably figure that mess out before too long, but just doesn't roll off the tongue quite as easily.

But hey, as long as I'm on here, here's a fascinating video that shows a montage of the clapboard operator on Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. One of the things that makes Tarantino such a gifted filmmaker is his obvious love for film, and it's also clear he surrounds himself with similar people. Basterds was a fantastic movie, and it looks like it would've been a fun set to be on, too.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Song Lives On

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trailer Tuesday

There are lots of things to enjoy in the newly released trailer for Tron: Legacy, the long-awaited sequel to the ahead-of-its-time original. I re-watched the original Tron (1982) in a movie theatre a few years ago and it was a decidedly mixed experience. On the one hand, there's little doubt that the visual effects and production design had held up shockingly well. Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner were sillier than I remembered, but Bridges, as arcade owner Kevin Flynn, still epitomized wise-cracking cool. He was a "real world" version of Han Solo in my eyes. Overall, however, the movie is a cheesy Disney film replete with corny dialogue and melodramatic moments. It's a must-see film for any fan of science fiction, but I'm comfortable in my assessment that Tron is not a good film, but, perhaps more significantly, an important one.

28 years later----

(cough, cough) Sorry. I actually choked on those words for a moment. As someone who owned many of the records on the Tron video game machine at Mr. Jim's Pizza in Garland, Texas in 1982, you can appreciate the momentary shock of having to explicitly face the fact it was almost THREE DECADES ago. (repeat: I am not getting old, I am not getting old, I am not getting old). Anyway, 28 years later we finally have a full preview for the sequel and it looks fantastic. It seems to have kept most of what made the original a unique entry into cinematic history while simultaneously (I hope) refining it for a contemporary audience. It looks dark and feels more adult than the original. It's also filmed in 3-D and that should provide an extra layer of sensory pleasure. Yep, I'll be seeing this opening weekend.

Tron: Legacy in HD

Trailer Park Movies MySpace Video

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday Night Video

Unless you've been living under a rock this past week, you've probably already seen the new OK Go video for their new single "This Too Shall Pass." With over 5 million YouTube views in 5 days, it's easily one of the "big things" of the week...and with good cause. While the band itself is not a personal fave of mine, there's no doubt they set the bar for originality in music video. Their 2005 video for "A Million Ways" was one of the first things I saw when I moved to New York and its low-budget charm mesmerized me to no end. Their next big video, "Here It Goes Again," launched them into the stratosphere and cemented their reputation for bar-raising videos. I spent a good 20 minutes last night trying to learn a 10-second secret handshake, so I can't imagine how long it took to coordinate a complicated, one-take music video where four guys dance on treadmills. But as great as those two videos are, this new one might even be better. There's even a sly reference to the video for "Here It Goes Again," a sort of out with the old and in with the new joke. Behold.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trailer Tuesday

Today's trailer isn't for a movie, but rather a book. My boss, Harold Holzer, has written and edited almost 40 books on the subject of Abraham Lincoln and can safely be considered one of the leading Lincoln scholars in the world. And yet, if you added up all the sales of all the books he's been associated with, I suspect the number will fall far short of the expected sales of this forthcoming gem. From the writer who brought you "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies," I give you "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter."

Update: I just read that Tim Burton has acquired the film rights to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I'll go ahead and start the lobbying for Dakota Fanning to play Mary, and for Tony Shalhoub to play Abe. Picture it.