If I were stranded somewhere in Europe due to the ash cloud from Eyjafjallajökull, this sublime time-lapse video might make me think it was all worth it. Shot by Sean Steigemeier, this is steigeringly beautiful. It's not even clear to me where his greatest talent lay---in videography, or in the editing. His other videos, accessible here, are equally astonishing.
In a world that manages to give us Ke$ha, it's good to know that the last, true living legend of music is still going strong at 83. I liked Tony Bennett long before I started working at The Met, where I've had the pleasure of meeting him several times (and will do so once again in just a few hours), and I liked him long before he managed to hook the MTV generation in the 90's. He epitomizes smooth without even a hint of arrogance and pretentiousness. His voice is singular, his legacy unquestioned. Tony is the man. And you know what? He'd probably do a duet with Ke$ha, because that's just how he rolls.
I now have not one, but two Twitter accounts. Only the original @kraigala account will show up on the side bar here, however, so if you want to hear what @Evil_Kraigala has to say, you'll have to seek him out beyond this blog. @Evil_Kraigala, quite frankly, is a dick. In other words, he's not that much different from @kraigala, but maybe a tad saltier. Or, as I like to think of it, a little more genuine.
Last I checked, Tuesdays around here were reserved for movie trailers, so let's pick things up where we left off.
Last weekend's opening of Iron Man 2 brought with it the debut of two highly anticipated trailers. The one for J.J. Abrams' Super 8 is worth seeing but, annoyingly, it's a major tease. Given that the movie won't open for another year, expect another slow build-up to the release date alaCloverfield. Abrams sure does know how to feed the hype monster.
Much less of a tease, however, is the newly released trailer for Christopher Nolan's Inception...a film I've been eagerly anticipating for some time now. This third trailer finally includes dialogue and a much clearer explanation of the mind-bendy plot. Fantastic director + fantastic cast + fantastic concept + fantastic trailer = my number one most-wanted film of the summer. The film also appears to be heavily influenced by another favorite film of mine, the Alex Proyas-directed Dark City. The film hits theatres on July 16th and it looks like it might be worth spending the extra coin to see it in IMAX.
It's been a long, long time since this blog was properly updated, and I can't say that I missed it much during the 50-day hiatus.
The two most challenging aspects of being a day-to-day blogger are: 1) having something worth writing about, and 2) having the time to adequately write about the thing which is worth writing about. In terms of writing, I've always been a plodder. I don't type exceptionally fast and, despite what shows up on the page, I actually tend to edit myself quite a bit before hitting the "publish" button. Add that to a rather strict criteria for what I deem blog-worthy, and voila---the death of a blog!
It also didn't help that Blogger.com did away with ftp-enabled blogs, thus forcing me to pay attention to the back-end of boyhatesgirl.com. I hate dealing with back-end issues! Hopefully that's all resolved now and I've got it right, but if you should notice any broken links or something that's not quite right, do let me know and I'll try to get that fixed.
It's been 50 days since my last update, but all you get for now is this simple test post. The blog is being moved around by Blogger, so I'm trying to figure out if this is going to work. Stay tuned for more.