Movie #37: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

It's a bit long and repetitive, and the character of Prince Caspian is a bad accent-heavy pretty boy I wanted to run through with my own sword, but this is a well-made action film with special effects that seamlessly integrate themselves so as to create a genuine belief that what we see on screen is what was really being filmed. And what we see on screen is amazing. It's arguably another milestone for the special effects field. Peter Dinklage steals the show as a misanthropic dwarf and Eddie Izzard, miscast as the voice of a stiletto-wielding mouse, is a voice I never tire of---no matter how out-of-place it may be here.
The religious overtones are extremely obvious in the final act and, to be honest, did bother me. The role of Aslan the Lion, creepily voiced by Lian Neeson, is a perfect illustration for why I don't have a strong connection to organized religion. Aslan would never be the God I would willingly worship. He is arrogant, vengeful, and noticeably absent when he's most needed. But, you know, he's a lion. So what do you expect? Anyhoo, religious issues excepted, Prince Caspian is a lot of fun...and it has children being extremely violent and killing lots of people. I like that sort of thing.
Grade: 7/10
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