
DANVERS, Mass. –
Who knew "Meep!" was a four-letter word? The utterance favored by bungling lab assistant Beaker of "The Muppet Show" has been banned at Danvers High School in Massachusetts after students said it to repeatedly interrupt school.
Principal Thomas Murray said the word was part of a disruption planned using Facebook.
The Salem News reports that parents recently got an automated call about "Meep!" from Murray. He warned them that students who said or displayed the word at school could be suspended.
Murray says the warning was needed because students didn't heed his "reasonable request" to stop the meeping.
Danvers High sophomore Melanie Crane says it doesn't mean anything in particular.
Kudos to the kids at Danvers High. I'd mistakenly presumed that Beaker, aka the greatest Muppet of all-time, was more of a generational phenomenon. Glad to see it's not.
Gay marriage - cool
Universal health care - sure
Meep - no fucking way
As a resident of Massachusetts, I'm totally embarrassed.
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