What's In Common? (part 1)
Last night was my team's turn to host trivia at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg. I'm happy to report it was not an unmitigated disaster. Some might even call it a modest success. As with the last time we hosted, I was responsible for the preparation of the visual round. And, as was the case last time, I stuck with what I know and what I like---MOVIES. I posted the entire visual round from last time here, but this time around I'm going to roll it out a bit slower. There were 12 questions in all, so I'm going to break it down into four parts over the next few days.
The rules are simple. For each question you will see three pictures taken from a movie. For one point, identify all three of the movies. We didn't give partial credit for knowing two of them. We're serious about our trivia. For a second point, and really the harder part of the question, identify what the common thread is between the three images/movies. The commonality is not something superficial like "they're all men," or "they're all blond," or anything basic like that. For an example, see below:

The movies from left to right are Ghostbusters, Caddyshack and The Royal Tenenbaums. And what do those three films have in common? Bill Murray...who had major roles in all three of the movies. Got it? Good. Let's play. I'll put the answers in the comment section. Let me know how you all do on these. FYI, even though some of these questions were quite hard, at least one team always managed to get the right answer. Have fun!



The rules are simple. For each question you will see three pictures taken from a movie. For one point, identify all three of the movies. We didn't give partial credit for knowing two of them. We're serious about our trivia. For a second point, and really the harder part of the question, identify what the common thread is between the three images/movies. The commonality is not something superficial like "they're all men," or "they're all blond," or anything basic like that. For an example, see below:

The movies from left to right are Ghostbusters, Caddyshack and The Royal Tenenbaums. And what do those three films have in common? Bill Murray...who had major roles in all three of the movies. Got it? Good. Let's play. I'll put the answers in the comment section. Let me know how you all do on these. FYI, even though some of these questions were quite hard, at least one team always managed to get the right answer. Have fun!



1) The French Connection, The Exorcist, Rules of Engagment; all three films were directed by William Friedkin
2) Blade Runner, Chinatown, Sunset Boulevard; all three films are prominently set in Los Angeles
3) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Scorpion King, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace; all three films are prequels
Those are good. I got the movies, but not the connections. I'm what they call "book smart".
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