Monday, August 3, 2009

Yoga Kiddie Porn with Farm Animals

UPDATE: The video was removed due to a copyright claim. Hope you all got a chance to see it, though I don't know why anyone would claim authorship of that video. Balls, man. Balls.

Some sights can't be unseen.

Some sounds can't be unheard.

Fair. Warning.

Look, I gave you fair warning. Don't blame me if you go to bed and imagine Rasta Rooster leering at you from a distance. Just don't. The time for recriminations is past. All we can do now is just come together to eradicate Yogi Ogi Dogi. People, this is where your farm subsidies are going. What's worse is that these kids were obviously abducted from various extra-curricular activities. There's a karate kid, a ballerina, and a soccer player. These children were last seen doing a downward dog.


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