Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A God-fearing, porn-loving nation.

The Harvard Business School just released a study which analyzed anonymous credit-card receipts from a major online adult entertainment company. It's a good read, even if it's not illustrated. The results, while hardly surprising to me, might be a revelation to others. While there wasn't a huge difference in state to state subscription levels, the data suggests that "conservative" states did have a higher occurrence of household subscriptions than ones considered, by their indicators, to be more liberal. In fact, of the top 10 states with the highest subscription rates, 8 of them are considered to be "red" states.

And which of this nation's 50 states leads the way? Why that would be Utah, of course...Land of the Repressed and Sanctimonious, and home to the people who raised more money in support of Prop 8 than any other state except the state in which the proposition was actually on the ballot. But whatever. It's a Harvard study. Gay liberals. All of them. Plus the subscriptions obviously came from other Utahans.

Anyway, if you find yourself agreeing with some or all of the following statements, you're more likely than those who disagree with them to have an online porn subscription:

“Even today miracles are performed by the power of God.”
“I never doubt the existence of God.”
“Prayer is an important part of my daily life.”
“I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage.”
“AIDS might be God’s punishment for immoral sexual behavior.”

Even if the results aren't statistically significant enough to make a sweeping indictment about how conservatives love porn more than liberals, the data is crystal clear in suggesting there isn't much difference when it comes to people's basic sexual desires. The real difference is that conservatives feel the need to tell you it's wrong...even as they do the same damn thing behind closed doors. Or in airport bathroom stalls.


Blogger said...

Fucking hypocrites!

March 4, 2009 at 4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What this really shows is that some people are still dumb enough to pay for porn.

March 4, 2009 at 11:14 PM  

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