Movie #29: The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Although the second movie in the X-Files series does, at times, capture some of the charm and charisma that made the television show one of my all-time faves, by and large it struggles along on the level of a slightly above-average episode---which is fine for the small screen, but noticeably deficient for the big screen. In some respects I didn't really mind. My fondness for these characters is so immense that even watching them slog through sub-par material has a certain joy to it. Still, the movie has no discernible climax--certainly not a satisfying one, few thrills or chills, and the once-smoldering chemistry between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson is now more of a room-temperature burn. This might have something to do with Duchovny now convincingly playing a sex addict on Californication. Also, while I adore Amanda Peet, her role on Studio 60 makes it almost impossible for me to take her serious as a special agent in charge of an FBI manhunt. On the flip side, I detest Billy Connolly, so he's actually quite believable as a pedophile priest with psychic visions.
As a fan, The X-Files: I Want to Believe is a mediocre but mostly welcome visit by some old friends. Still, what it really did most was make me want to re-watch the first few seasons of the television show---which, by the way, I would gladly except as a gift.
Grade: 5/10
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